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Подать заявку на CPD: Паспорт для вашего автомобиля

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Зачем мне нужно международное водительское удостоверение?

How to Get an International Driving Permit in Paraguay? 

An International Driving Permit is a translation of your national driving license. Therefore, the IDP allows motorists to drive vehicles in foreign countries. As a result, you must always have your IDP along with your national license at all times. To get an International Driving Permit in Paraguay, visit the Touring y Automóvil Club del Paraguay.


If you need any more information, call us on +595 21 2170109, or e-mail us at documentos@tacpy.com.py.

More Information:

International Driving Permits (1943, 1949, 1968)

In addition, The International Driving Permit (IDP) certifies that the holder is authorised to drive a vehicle in a foreign country (according to the category or categories for which they hold a national driving licence).

Furthermore, the IDP, which is valid for one year, helps protect you and your family in the event of an accident and/or vehicle damage while driving abroad. Also, the IDP is also recognised all over the world. In addition, it is available in 10 different languages in order to help travellers overcome language barriers.

Paraguayan nationals and residents need to apply for an IDP from the Touring y Automóvil Club Paraguayo (TACPy).


  • Paraguayan national ID card (cédula de identidad). In addition, foreigners without a Paraguayan cédula must show their permanent residence card (carnet de residencia permanente) or their diplomat card (carnet de diplomático).
  • Paraguayan national driving licence.
  • OPACI certificate. You can obtain this document by taking your valid national driving licence and ID document to the OPACI (Organización Paraguaya de Cooperación Intermunicipal) office. Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 1pm. Address: Mariscal Estigarribia 1080, on the corner with Calle Brasil. Tel.: +595 21 209040 / 43.
  • 2 current passport photographs (4 × 4 cm in colour)

Finally, the applicant must sign the application in front of the authorised employee. Consequently, they do not accept third party applications.

Click here (http://www.tacpy.com.py/sedes-y-delegaciones) to find your closest TACPy branch.


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IDP Sample