Beware: 10 Fake IDP websites to avoid

Welcome to our resource on fake International Driving Permit (IDP) websites. Unfortunately, there are fraudulent websites that claim to offer valid IDPs but deliver fake documents that could leave you vulnerable with the authorities.

We’ve compiled a list of known fake IDP websites to avoid and make you aware to help you stay safe when obtaining your IDP.

10 Known Fake IDP Websites To Avoid

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Please note that we do not provide hyperlinks to these websites to prevent unwitting visits. It’s crucial to avoid them entirely so you won’t be retargeted on social media and marketing campaigns.

Why Fake IDP Websites Are a Threat

Fake IDP websites pose significant risks to travellers. These websites often promise cheap and convenient IDPs, but they provide fake or invalid documents. Falling victim to such scams can lead to serious consequences, including legal troubles, fines, and complications during your travels.

Facts about Fake IDPs

Explore eye-opening facts about the prevalence of fake International Driving Permits.

Thousands of people get scammed with fake IDPs every day.

The number above is an estimate.

IDPs are only valid for 1 year.

Websites with a different statement are scams.

You always need a physical copy.

Websites that claim to provide you digital IDP immediately are fake.

Filter 1 star reviews on trustpilot.

What a scam, fell for it, stranded in Greece! — Revertia Moni • Tripadvisor

Fake ones are more expensive.

Fake websites usually sell fake IDPs for a higher price than the real ones.

How to Protect Yourself

It’s essential to stay vigilant when seeking an International Driving Permit online. Here are some tips to help you protect yourself from fake IDP websites:

  1. Verify Authenticity: Contact the official agency in your country responsible for issuing IDPs to verify the authenticity of the website you intend to use.
  2. Research Thoroughly: Before making any online purchase, research the website thoroughly. Look for customer reviews, contact information, and information about the company’s legitimacy.
  3. Check for Security: Ensure that the website uses secure connections (https://) and has a valid SSL certificate. This indicates a basic level of trustworthiness

Always use this official IDP website to find your local issuing authority


Your safety and compliance with local traffic regulations are paramount when traveling abroad. Avoid falling for fake IDP websites by following the guidelines outlined above.

By staying informed and cautious, you can ensure a smooth and legitimate process when obtaining your International Driving Permit.

Always use this official IDP website to find your local issuing authority

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